Tips and Tricks

Dinner for Two Assholes: Eating Out

+ Some of our go to restaurants are Indian, Asian or Mediterranean, they usually have a wide selection of naturally, vegan and gluten-free options. I find the best VGF food is food that isn't substituted in and out to make it that way but instead always was that way.
+ If I find a place that has two or three vegetarian options I feel comfortable giving the place a try and working with the staff to make my meal vegan. I rarely have a problem with this but it is a situation that makes me feel like an asshole.

There is still a God: Gluten-Free Beer

When my boyfriend figured out he had to be Gluten-Free he started listing all his favorite things he would have to give up; when he got to beer he almost cried.
+ Whole Foods has some good options when it comes to beer, some aren't labeled Gluten-Free so grab the nearest Whole Foods staff member and ask them which ones are; again, those ones that are naturally Gluten-Free are the best. This situation does not make me feel like an asshole mainly because the Whole Foods staff is so damn helpful and friendly.
Favorites: Estrella's Daura, St. Peter's Sorgham Beer, Bard's Tale, Omission
+ When we're at bars it's a little more difficult, the boyfriend more often than not is stuck drinking hard cider, wine or a cocktail. What you're looking for though is a buckwheat, sorghum or rice beer. It's better to go informed on exactly what is and what is not Gluten-Free, a lot of rice beers still have gluten.

Decrypting Labels

+ An easy way to see if some contains animal protein is simply check if it has cholesterol. 
+ Check allergy listings - At the bottom of the ingredients companies list if the product has nuts, wheat, milk etc. 
+ There are many names for milk and eggs in products: Well Vegan has already taken the time to make a list so I will just send you there
+ Gluten comes in the form of wheat, rye, barley, triticale and contaminated oats. There are no standards for Gluten-Free labeling and we have found that oats labeled Gluten-Free usually aren't, so beware the Gluten-Free label.

Take Your Vitamins

Certain vitamins and minerals are hard to come by in plants. These are the ones I keep a close eye on in my diet and supplement them where needed.
+ B12 - Nutritional yeast, fortified cereals and vegan milks. Seaweed and algae aren't as good a source of B12 as we are lead to believe.
+ Omega 3's - Flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds and algae
+ Calcium - Deep greens and plenty-o-beans
+ Vitamin D - The only plant based source for vitamin D is mushrooms and they're not very high in vitamin D. This is where a supplement really helps.
+ Iodine - 1/4 tsp of iodized salt per day or a good ol' supplement
+ Protein - Legumes, grains and greens.
Other wise i just eat a well rounded diet and take a great multivitamin.  

On The Road

When you go Vegan Gluten-Free it changes your life, it sounds obvious I know but it doesn't just change what you put in your mouth it changes the way you live your life. Every meal has to be thought out, there is rarely a quick VGF meal and when you're traveling you have to prepare for the venture. Unless you're going to a cosmopolitanism city or Asia you're screwed. Just kidding.
+ Get a hotel with a kitchen - This makes life so easy! First thing I do after I drop my bags is go to the local market and stock my fridge with easy, go-to meals. I know it's not the ideal way to spend a holiday but you would be surprised what a relief it can be.
+ iPhone Apps - Happy Cow is a great one to find Vegan places all over the world. Veggie Passport helps you translate vegan related phrases and questions in 33 different languages. There are more great apps out there for all your vegan needs.
+ Plan ahead - I always stuff granola bars or baggies of trail mix in my bag. I'm not the largest fan of either but my hungry stomach doesn't give a shit.

Surprise! I'm Vegan!

Oreo Cookies 
Ritz Crackers
Jell-O Sugar Free/ Fat Free Pudding
Taco Bell re-fried beans (You can have them sub meat for beans on most anything)
Peta has a large list of surprise vegan products here

Surprise! I'm NOT Gluten-Free/Vegan!

NOT Vegan
Most sugars (they are processed with chard animal bones)
Most wines (they are processed with egg shells or fish bladders)
Re-fried Beans (Often contain lard)
Worcestershire sauce

NOT Gluten-Free 
Malt Vinegar
Most Soy Sauces (Use Tamari instead)
Imitation Crab
Roux, gravies

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